Internal Politics of the Free City in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Internal Politics of the Free City

Important changes within the Directing Oligarchy have taken place, although the core of power in the Free City remains the same. No fewer than four Directors have been replaced in the last three years (cf. FFF, p.6).

Sental Nurev (FFE p.9) was replaced in 583 CY by Tigran Gellner (FFF, p.9), in capacities as both Captain-General of the Watch and as a Director. This was the result of the revelation of his blackmail at the hands of Skandar Gundersson. Nurev died suspiciously shortly afterward. Gellner was promoted to Captain-General and Director following his sterling work in the Cairn - Hills garrison.

Turin Deathstalker (FFF, pp. 42-43) left the Free City in 582 CY and is known to have fought humanoids in the retreat from the Shield Lands, on the borderlands of Iuz and Furyondy, and also in the Pomarj. He is now the Commander of the Safeton garrison. His positions as both Guildmaster of Assassins and Director have been taken by his former deputy, Vesparian Lafanel (FFF, p.43). Vesparian is not a member of the “inner circle” of Directors, which has now shrunk to five (cf. FFE p.6).

Otiluke was destroyed by Rary. His place as President of the Society of Magi has been taken by Kieren Jalucian (FFF, p.16). K’ ieren was invited to become a Direcior, but declined this (much to Nerofs relief). He attends Oligarchy meetings only if matters of major importance involving wizardry are on the agenda. This reduces the number of Directors to a total of 15.

Finally, Ren o’the Star (FFF, p.35) was found dead in the Selintan late in 583 CY. Several poisoned daggers were embedded in his back and a pair of dice were tied around his throat. His creditors finally lost patience with him. Dernan Nathane, already a Director, became Master of the Merchants’ and Traders’ Union. From within the ranks of the same Union, a supporter of Dernan (and thus Nerof), Cariel Mansharn, was appointed Director. Cariel is close to the inner circle, and may well be accepted into it after a long probationary period.


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