Invisible Helper

This permanent unseen servant is anchored to a single stronghold space and cannot leave that space. If it takes enough damage to be destroyed (6 hit points), it disappears forever.

Many stronghold owners use one or more invisible helpers to supplement their more traditional servants. They never tire and can work endlessly, but due to their lack of smarts, they are a poor substitute for the real thing when it comes to complex tasks or real responsibility. In general, an invisible helper can replace any servant whose role is typically filled by a commoner (as opposed to an expert or other class).

Anyone in the space can command the invisible helper. If the helper receives conflicting commands, the helper obeys the owner of the stronghold; otherwise, would-be controllers can make opposed Wisdom checks to see who wins command.

Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, unseen servant; Market Price: 1,500 gp.


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