Ironstead and Laurellinn

Ironstead is a stockaded village of some 30 wooden buildings and 200 people. Here, Belvor has stationed 40 elite heavy infantry and a dozen rangers and wizards. There are 100 or so woodsmen militia working with these troops. Belvor’s aim is to create Ironstead as a listening post within the Vesve, and to try to organize the southern Vesve woodsmen militias more effectively.

Patrols from Ironstead prowl the margins of the Badlands, and communicate with a secondary base at Laurellinn, which is an important forestry and timbering camp of much the same size. The garrison leader, Helmend Fannen, was a wise choice by Belvor. He is a Vesve native who fought in the king’s troops in the siege of Chendl. He has returned to his homeland and Vesve people respect one of their own being trusted to lead Belvor’s own men. This speaks of trust on Belvor’s part.

Ironstead is also a base from which Belvor aids woodsmen by supplying weapons, although Furyondy does not exactly have a surplus to spare. Well crafted metal axes, swords, and shields go to the woodsmen, who make their own spears, staves, bows and arrows.

Timber is transported from Laurellinn on great wagons along the broad forest road to the Royal Highway. This road is patrolled by Furyondian militias, including forces from as far away as Castle Ehlenestra and even Baranford.


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