Items and Artifacts in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Items and Artifacts

The following chronomantic items are explained in more detail than in Chapter 4. DMs are encouraged to keep these details from the players until they have properly researched the item.

Lisker's Keys: These keys have been dupicated by other chronomancers to lesser effect. Their appearance is exactly the same, but they suffer the following Umitations.

The portal key is the most common to find a copy of (check at 50% if this key is chosen). Copies can only be used once every six hours.

The lifeline key copy can only be used one turn Out of every 12 hours. There's a 40% chance of it being a duplicate.

The timestream key is 30% likely to be a duplicate, and it works for one hour out of 24.

Onty one duplicate of the vortex key exists (check at 75%), and it will operate for one vortex in a 48-hour period.

No dupücate of the planar key exists.

Sands of Time: Unless the affected creature is under a tirne stop (failed three saves), it is only slowed. To slowed creatures, the sands' possessor merely appears to be moving fast.

Storm Warning Bell: This bell cannot be silenced by spell effect or placement in an extra-dimensional or nondimensional space such as a bag of holding or portablc hole. The storm warning bell places a magical field around its owner to detect the timestorm, and it is from this field that the ringing sound emits. Lending the bell to someone will not work umless he truthfuUy intends to keep it and he moves away from the storm front. Separating ones self from the bell breaks the connection at a distance of 10 miles. At that range, it is unlikely that the owner could recover the bell before tiie timestorm arrives.

The Weir of Kandalon: Tliis artifact has more possibilities for game balance disruption than any other artifact in the game. This is the reason DMs are encouraged to keep some of its gems scattered throughout the planes of existence. Thc best place to have the arch itself located is within the main keep of the Guardians. Who else could put it to better use? Characters might be needed at some point for a mission, and they will be allowed to see it, and perhaps eventually gain permission to use it. Gems that are found could be traded to the Guardians for other magic or for incredible privileges.

What every Kandalon gem does to control the arch is listed below. Secondary powers should be fairly strong. True sight would be appropriate, Clairaudience is a bit weak, so perhaps that gem can detect lie, too.

Table 25: ControiHng Hie Welr
Gem Control Effect
1 Select view between Temporal Prime and reality.
2 Moves the dam downstream at a fast rate.
3 Moves the dam downstream al a slow rate.
4 Moves the dam upstream at a slow rate.
5 Moves the dam upstream at a fast rate.
6 Move dam to the timestream of another plane
7 Move window left at fast pace.
8 Move window left at slow pace,
9 Move window right at slow pace.
10 Move window righl at fast pace.
11 Move window up at fast pace.
12 Move window up at slow pace.
13 Move window down at slow pace.
14 Move window down at fast pace.
15 Zoom in window display.
16 Zoom out window display.
17 Open slipgate to ailow passage by creature.
18 Lock settings and allow secondary functions.

Every secondary power comes with a minor side-effect: a 5-hit-point drain for using the power; reduction of an ability score by 1 point for 24 hours, a random taunt spell—-something rnore armoying than dangerous.


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