Jamir Rellstar

Jamir is a small man, just 5'3", very dapper and slim at 97 lbs., with short, curly auburn hair and a tanned complexion, and sparkling green eyes. He looks younger than his 33 years, partly due to the high-quality and fashionable clothes he wears. He is a native Shield Lander, now a servant of the Horned Society working with the Shriven SickJe.

Originally a mage, Jamir became so attached to evil and murder that he elected to become a priest of Nerull, a conversion that he undertook in secret during a stay in Molag in 580 CY. He got into the city along with a group of fighting adventurers who were captured by hobgoblins and priests of the Horned Society-after being betrayed by Jamir (his first gesture of allegiance to Nerull). To cover the secret of what actually took place, Jamir claims to have been captured along with the group of adventurers. But, he says, he managed to escape-and he can show scars and burn marks to "prove" that he was tortured by his captors. (Actually, the injuries were the result of a test of his worthiness to become an initiate of Nerull; he had to be willing to suffer pain inflicted by members of the priesthood. Because of those circumstances, a detect lie spell will show that he is telling the truth when he says the evil priests of Nerull tortured and marked him.)

In Greyhawk, Jamir is known as a mage. He has enrolled in the Greyhawk Guild of Wizardry, where he has cultivated the friendship of Kondradis Bubka (see Chapter 3). He is a punctilious attender of guild lectures and all social meetings. His friendliness is well known among the literate classes; the reasons for this feigned sociability are not.

Jamir is also an expert gambler. He cheats if he thinks he can get away with it, but usually doesn't; he is simply extremely good at gambling (as if he had a double-strength nonweapon proficiency in this area). For this reason, and his persistent attendance at high-class gambling halls, many people owe Jamir money. (As noted earlier, exactly who these people are is left to the DM so that the plot of an adventure involving Jamir can be tailored to the PCs and the needs of the cam paign.) However, Jamir will always home in on people who have many social contacts in political and business circles, since their coerced information is most useful to him.

Jamir is careful to protect himself magically. He has obtained a special magical amulet which keeps ESP and know alignment spells from revealing his true nature. His wand of negation has only a small number of charges remaining, so he will not use it except in truly life-threatening situations. The spells on his scroll can be used as if cast by a wizard of 12th level. He will take no chances in combat, using his dimension door ring to flee from any obvious peril.

Jamir maintains a small residence in the Garden Quarter, although all his money except for a few spare coins is kept in the lair of the Shriven Sickle. He can be encountered almost anywhere in the New City, socializing and chatting to people. He appears to make his money from gambling, and not to take his mage skills very seriously (which indeed he does not, since he cannot progress in that class any longer). He will be very happy to befriend PCs, using ESP, know alignment, and such spells, and talking of his career in the Shield Lands, to get to know them well-maybe sizing them up as potential victims for later.

Jamir also has good character references in one obvious quarter the PCs may check on him-Lady Valderesse Sham of the Knights of Holy Shielding (see Chapter 7) does indeed believe that Jamir fought for his country against the Horned Society, and other Shield Landers the PCs may meet either will confirm this (30%) or will truthfully say that they have not heard of Jamir (70%). Thus, PCs may well be deceived into accepting ]amir's story. If the topic of his past life comes up in conversation, Jamir will say that his adventuring days are over for a while-he does not feel that he can help the Shield Landers regain their (and his) home at this time. So he has decided to enjoy Greyhawk and earn a few coppers at the gambling tables.

Jamir is a wily, highly dangerous, NPC and he should be played as being every bit as smart and cunning as he is!

AC 9/3 (chain mail + 1 worn under robes, on occasion, and Dex 15 MV 12; M5/Pr6; hp 27; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 (dagger, in town) or 1d4 + 2 (sickle + 1, in lair Str 9, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 16; AL NE.

Spells (priest): 5 1st, 5 2nd, and 3 3rd.

Priest spells usually memorized: command, darkness ( x 3), fear, aid, darkness 15' radius, hold person ( x 2), resist fire, continual darkness ( x 2), dispel magic.

Spells (wizard): 4 1st, 2 2nd, and 1 3rd.

Wizard spells usually memorized: alarm, charm person, magic missile (3 missiles), shield, ESP, levitate, fireball.

Magical items: chain mail + 1, sickle + 1, ring of free action, wand of negation, an amulet that protects him against ESP and know alignment spells, a scroll con taining the spells dispel magic, ice storm, minor globe of invulnerability, and wall of ice, and a ring that enables him to cast dimension door three times per day.


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