Janaquil Valley

This unusual site lies at the very mouth of the Ery river, north of the Mistlake. Absolutely pure water from hill streams flows gently into that lake, and here, a group of three alchemists has settled. They dwell in a cottage that is a permanent Leomund's secure shelter with some added properties-it is fire-resistant inside, and all enchanting processes and magical item preparations have increased chances for success (naturally, the alchemists don't broadcast the details). Other unique features exist as the DM sees appropriate.

The alchemists specialize in the manufacture of potions. Their water source is so pure that their chances for successful preparation are some 25% higher than normal (note: AD&D@ 2nd Edition rules give guidelines for magical item fabrication rather than formal rules, so this 25% figure is actually a rule of thumb for DMs who have developed more precise rules).

One of the alchemists, Renehard Barris (a 9th- level wizard), possesses an amulet that can cast a teleport without error spell once per week; he uses this to travel to Greyhawk or Radigast City to sell the potions.

The alchemists here use herbal ingredients from Wavenair, and are always eager to purchase suitable ingredients from adventurers-giant sinews for potions of giant strength, dragon tongues for potions of fire breath, and suchlike. The fertility of the valley attracts many hillsmen herders and shepherds who supply the alchemists with food, milk, cheeses, and suchlike in return for some herbal salves and poultices.


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