Janziduur Priest of Trithereon

Janziduur is a 37-year-old woman, head of the small church of Trithereon in Greyhawk. Formerly a fighter, she converted to Trithereon 's faith after enthusiastically hearing a charismatic priest of the vengeful deity in Ulek. Janziduur's past is painful, her Bisselite parents and siblings having been murdered before her eyes by goblins when she was a baby, and revenge is her driving motivation.

Despite her bitter experience and low Intelligence, Janziduur has come to believe that "stupid" and instinctual evil (such as that of goblins and their kin) is one thing, but the real enemy is intelligent and directed evil. Evil mages, priests, and their servants-especially organized, repressive, lawful evil-are her arch-enemies. Janziduur leads a small but fanatical group of priests and warriors within the city who seek out such evils and destroy them. She also has a great dislike for the church of Pholtus, which she sees as repressive (lawful) and hypocritical (claiming to be good, but being lawful neutral "behind their holier-than thou front," as she puts it.

Politically, Janziduur is important because she has the merchant Laup Cobrun under her thumb, through blackmail (being chaotic good, Janziduur is not too fussy about she achieves her aims), and thus gets regular reports about the goings-on in the meetings of the Oligarchy.

AC -1 (plate mail +3 F7/Pr9; MV 12; hp 77; THAC0 13; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d6 +6 (spear +3 Str 18(22), Dex 8, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 17, Cha 13; AL CG.

Spells: 6 1st, 6 2nd, 4 3rd, 24th, and 1 5th.

Magical items: plate mail +3, spear +3.


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