Jawal Severnain Librarian, Guild of Wizardry

AC 8 (Dex 16 MV 12; M12 /F2; hp 29; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 (dagger Str 10, Dex 16, Con 7, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10; SA innate spell ability; SD magic resistance 74%. save vs. any magic at +2; AL LN.

Spells (innate): dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness. detect magic, know alignment, levitate.

Spells (memorized): 4 1st, 4 2nd, 4 3rd, 4 4th. 4 5th. 1 6th.

First-time visitors to the library are often shocked when they gaze upon the sharp aquiline features, inky black skin, silver hair, and piercing violet eyes beneath the librarian's cowl-for Jawal is a renegade dark elf who has devoted his life to the cataloguing and maintenance of the guild's library of magical texts. Except at the request of Kieren or members of the Circle of Eight, Jawal rarely leaves his precious collection. He has a pallet bed in a comer of the library, and the porters bring him all his meals; those who would consult with him must do so on his own territory. Jawal is more than 400 years old and has spent at least the last 150 years closeted in "his" library.

Jawal detests bright lights, and the library is a dark and gloomy place where the shadows seem to have a life of their own. Visitors will be sure they are being watched by someone or something at the edge of their vision.

Jawal is well respected by the Circle of Eight, and his knowledge of the contents, history, and whereabouts of magical texts is second to none. Jawal's monastic existence and devotion to his work has led him to view most others as his inferiors: he has little respect for anyone but archmages and acknowledged masters of "the Art." Over the years Kieren and Jawal have become firm friends, and he is generally on good terms with the membership of the Circle of Eight. Jawal, however, loathes Kondradis Bubka . the Mage of Exchange, and Heironymous Tigana. the Guild Alchemist, both of whom he perceives as lacking true dedication to the magical art and being merely "in it for the money." Surprisingly, Jawal and Darnak Khorshkan, the Head Porter, get along extremely well. They both see in each other the same devotion to their allotted tasks and respect for tradition. and Darnak will frequently drop in for a pipe and a dnnk on his late-night rounds.


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