Jerome Kazinskaia Patriarch of Rao

Jerome stands 6'0" tall, weighs 152 lbs., and his appearance takes the breath away: although he is 77 years old, magics such as potions of longevity have reduced his apparent biological age to 45 or so, and his flowing dark blond hair and ready smile, together with his perfect, pearly white teeth and brown-flecked green eyes, make the white-cloaked patriarch an imposing and handsome figure. Jerome is one of the highest-ranking priests of Rao in the entire Flanaess, and it is known that he receives many visitors from foreign lands requesting his advice and counsel.

Indeed, it is precisely this which makes Jerome an Oligarch with restricted freedom. It is known that he has dealings with many influential people from far-flung lands, and thus his objectivity and impartiality as an Oligarch is implicitly questionable. For this reason. Jerome has long wished to abdicate, but has not done so over concern of who might replace him and also because the wily Nerof Gasgal and his allies (realizing how the patriarch is compromised) have unctuously flattered his wisdom and counsel and pleaded that the Directing Oligarchy could not do without him. Jerome knows exactly what is going on, but still hesitates to resign. While he represents priestly interests well, he feels very inhibited from having his say in discussions.

AC 2 (Dex 16, cloak of displacement, ringofprotection +4 MV 12; Pr19; hp 61; THACO 8/7; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 plus variable bonus with crooked staff of Rao (magical bonus + 2 vs. neutrals, + 5 vs. evil Str 12, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 18; AL LG (NG).

Spells: 11 1st, 11 2nd, 9 3rd, 9 4th, 6 5th, 4 6th, and 2 7th.

Magical items: cloak of displacement, ring of protection +4, crooked staff of Rao.


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