Even in the wildest urban fantasy environments, most city-dwellers are not adventurers. They are alchemists and architects, laborers and lawyers, scribes and smiths, just like everywhere else. The living wage these common folk earn will vary somewhat depending on the region, the size of their city, and the wealth of the nation in which the city is located, but by and large will follow a standardized rate in most fantasy settings. The following table shows the average weekly income for occupations in the average fantasy city.

Table 5–1: Average Income

Occupation Weekly Net Income*
Alchemist 7 gp
Armorer 4d4 gp
Attorney 7 gp
Bookbinder 6d4+6 sp
Bowyer 6d4+6 sp
Clerk 3 gp
Cobbler 6d4+6 sp
Cook 1d4+6 sp
Engineer 4 gp
Gemcutter 6d4+6 sp
Groom 10 sp
Innkeeper 2d4 gp
Laborer 7 sp
Limner 4 gp
Locksmith 4d4 gp
Maid 7 sp
Mason 6d4+6 sp
Mercenary (basic) 15 sp
Mercenary (skilled) 3 gp
Performer 2d4 gp
Porter 7 sp
Sage 3d4+6 gp
Tanner 6d4+6 sp
Scribe 6d4+6 sp
Teamster 6d4+6 sp
Valet 15 sp
Weaponsmith 4d4 gp

* In unusually wealthy cities, these figures are adjusted upward. Add 1 gp or 1 sp (as appropriate) to any static value; add 1d4 gp or 1d4 sp (as appropriate) to any value that involves a die roll. In particularly poor cities, these figures are adjusted downward by the same amount.

Characters of various classes—both PC classes and NPC classes—fi ll a tremendous variety of roles within a city, and neither roles nor titles often neatly correspond to a given class or level. Two people with the exact same rank and function within the city watch might be a warrior 5 and a fi ghter 3. The High Priest at one temple might be a cleric 12 while the same role at another temple is fi lled by an adept 3 (or even a commoner 6). Multiclassing only muddies the waters further: a cleric 4/fi ghter 6 might serve a primarily religious function, or might be a member of the city guard (who supports the guard with healing magic), or could even be a templar charged with defending a temple against attack. The following lists are intended to help you imagine what roles NPCs of various classes might fi ll within a city, but by their very nature they are more limiting than the “reality” of a fantasy city.

Barbarians: adventurer, bandit, bodyguard, bounty hunter, freedom fi ghter, gladiator, mercenary, soldier.

Bards: acrobat, actor, adventurer, adviser, alchemist, ambassador, assassin, buffoon, courier, diplomat, diplomatic aide, freedom fi ghter, herald, jester, juggler, messenger, minstrel, music instructor, teacher, tutor.

Clerics: acolyte, adventurer, adviser, ambassador, bounty hunter, chaplain, cultist, diplomat, diplomatic aide, healer, high priest, knight, priest, teacher, templar, tutor.

Druids: acolyte, adventurer, adviser, bounty hunter, cultist, herbalist, hermit, high priest, priest, templar.

Fighters: adventurer, assassin, bandit, bodyguard, bounty hunter, champion, city guard, freedom fighter, gladiator, knight, lord, mercenary, offi cer, soldier, templar, thug, trainer.

Monks: acolyte, adventurer, adviser, assassin, bodyguard, cenobite, city guard, cultist, hermit, high priest, offi cer, priest, trainer.

Paladins: adventurer, adviser, champion, justiciar, knight, lord, soldier, templar, trainer.

Rangers: adventurer, bandit, bodyguard, bounty hunter, freedom fi ghter, mercenary, scout, soldier, templar, trainer.

Rogues: adventurer, ambassador, assassin, bandit, burglar, crime lord, cultist, cutpurse, diplomat, freedom fighter, mayor, security consultant, scout, spy, thug, trapmaker, troubleshooter.

Sorcerers: adventurer, adviser, alchemist, assassin, battle caster, bodyguard, cabalist, court wizard, cultist, fortune teller, magic item dealer, spellcaster for hire, tutor.

Wizards: adventurer, adviser, alchemist, assassin, battle caster, bodyguard, cabalist, court wizard, cultist, fortune teller, magic item dealer, sage, scholar, scribe, spellcaster for hire, student, teacher, troubleshooter, tutor.

Adepts: acolyte, alchemist, cabalist, cultist, fortuneteller, high priest, magic item dealer, priest, sage, scholar, scribe, spellcaster for hire, student.

Aristocrats: ambassador, bureaucrat, chancellor, diplomat, diplomatic aide, knight, mayor.

Commoners: apprentice, artisan, barkeep, farmer, fisher, innkeeper, journeyman, maintenance worker, merchant, servant, serving staff, shopkeeper.

Experts: acrobat, actor, apprentice, artisan, barkeep, buffoon, bureaucrat, caravan leader, diplomat, fisher, innkeeper, jester, juggler, journeyman, magic item dealer, merchant, minstrel, professional, sage, scholar, scribe, serving staff, shopkeeper, student, tutor.

Warriors: bandit, bodyguard, city guard, mercenary, soldier, templar, thug, trainer.


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