Kaak'erek Arglowan Hobgoblin Shaman of Incabulos

Kaak' erek has a typical middle-aged hobgoblin appearance. She is Agarat's "middlehobgoblin" for his sales in the Pomarj, and her spell use is a useful insurance policy against being surprised while Agarat is busy in the cemetery.

AC 7; MV 9; Hobgoblin Pr5 with HD 2; hp 14; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (quarterstaff: SA hypnotism spell as 1st level wizard once per day; SD 28% im munity to diseases and slimes; AL CE.

Spells: 3 1st, 3 2nd, and 1 3rd.

Spells usually memorized: curse, cause light wounds, darkness, hold person ( x 2), silence 15' radius, dispel magic. Magical items: potions of healing (2).


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