Kahari Kellainen Theatrical Director

Kahari is 5'8" tall, 122 lbs., lithe and wiry, with fair blond hair and blue-violet eyes. He is 92 years old (appearing to be about 30 in human terms). He is a handsome and cultured half-elf, immaculately attired in silk blouson and tight leather britches, and is very popular with the ladies. He is very knowledgeable about drama and art generally, and will discuss it with passion, but his natural graces and sense of humor stop him from being boring. He is very proud of his achievements at the theatre, and is reasonably friendly with many important people.

The twin theatres maintain a staff of some 12 performing artists (members of the guild), of whom one is a 6th level half-elven male bard, Jarufel Seffairen, a CG devotee of Olidammara. The stage hands are about 10 in number, of whom four are halflings and four are gnomes. The little people are adept at under-stage mechanical work and running around at the top of the continual light gantries and scenery sets, and one of the gnomes is a 5th-level illusionist who helps create the special effects used in certain plays.

Two of the halflings serve as waiters in the between-act intervals, keeping a lookout for newly arrived persons and the nouveau riche and informing their masters at the Thieves' Guild of possible targets for street muggings and burglaries, and they may also try to pick a pocket or two when theatre-goers are on their way home. Both halflings are 4th level thieves of neutral alignment with 17 Dexterity.

AC 7; MV 12; Pr5; hp 19; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 +1 (footman's mace Str 11, Dex 17, Con 9, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16; AL CG.

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, and 1 3rd.


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