Kee Arkguard-male 7th-level magic-user

Kee Arkguard, the last gang-member, is interested only in his own safety. He will betray anybody if he can get something out of it. He owns a wand of illusion, as well as a staff of swarming insects. He has 6,000 g.p. hidden in the room, and will bargain for his life if he thinks he is likely to lose a fight.

He knows the spells hallucinatory terrain, non-detection, improved phantasmal force (already expended), invisibility (already expended), misdirection, change self; hypnotism, phantasmal force. He has his spell book nearby.

AC 7- dexterity bonus Move 12”; HD 7; hp 21; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6 or 1-4 (staff, dagger Str 6, Int 18, Wis 10, Dex 17, Con 8, Cha 9; THACO 19; AL NE; SA Spells: 4-lst, 3-2nd, 2-3rd, 1-4th; SD spells, high dexterity.


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