Kieren Jalucian Master of Guild of Wizardry, Principal of Greyhawk University of Magic Arts

AC 3 (white robe of the archmagi, ring of protection +2 MV 12; M18; hp42; THAC0 14; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 +3 (quar terstaff +3 Str 17. Dex 10, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 17. Cha 17; AL NG.

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, 5 3rd, 5 4th, 5 5th, 3 6th, 3 7th, 2 8th, and 1 9th.

Magical items: robe of the archmagi (white). ring of protection +2, quarter staff + 3, carpet of flying; also see below.

Kieren is 6'3" tall, weighs 200 lbs. and appears to be in his early 30s. His true age is unknown. although he is undoubtedly very old indeed. He is a large, heavy-set man who sports a mane of sandy blond hair and dresses in colorful, billowing robes of the finest Celenian silks. Kieren is fastidious about his appearance, always appearing clean-shaven and smelling of the finest scents and perfumes.

Kieren enJoys city life to the fullest, and is equally at home in the lowest dive of the River Quarter or at the most fashionable social gathenng or cultural event in the High Quarter. Kieren cultivates an almost frivolous attitude to his work, which belies the seriousness and conviction with which he undertakes it. This attitude has made him much more approachable than the average studious and condescending mage, and he has become a great favorite of the people and has done a great deal to improve the public image of the magical arts, which most people still distrust. Kieren is also highly amused by the serious politicking of his fellow members of the Directing Oligarchy and refuses to get involved in what he sees as their petty rivalries. Kieren has satisfied what lust for power he ever possessed and intends to enjoy it, using it for the common good rather than abusing it.

Kieren is very much enamored of Jallarzi Sallavarian and the two of them will often be spotted touring the town on Kieren's carpet of flying, or dining at the Golden Phoenix. From time to time the adventurous spirit overtakes them, and they will travel incognito into the seedier areas of the Free City, where Kieren enjoys a good arm-wrestling contest or similar feats of physical prowess, sometimes just for fun!) enhancing his own considerable muscle power with a surreptitious strength spell.

Apart from his carpet of flying, Kieren has few personal magical items. He can, however, draw at will from the collection maintained by Kondradis Bubka, the Mage of Exchange.

Kieren can be encountered virtually anywhere in the city, sometimes in disguise and often in the company of Jallarzi Sallavarian. To keep up appearances, Kieren always attends major social and cultural events withm the city and is a major protagonist at the Feast of Fools.

From Adventure Begins

Kieren Jalucian, Guildmaster of the Guild of Wizardry, Principal of the Greyhawk University of Magical Arts [NG hm W18; hp 42; Str 17, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 17; age unknown but over 100 (35 areas H13 /C6/H16]. Strong and handsome in appearance; one of the few true archmages in Greyhawk; rarely acts in Oligarchy, usually listens and offers opinions only on magic-related topics; friendly and wise; romantically interested in Jallarzi Sallavarian of the Circle of Eight.


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