
When the bandit chieftains of old had something resembling a peace between them, perhaps because they allied to fight off reprisals from Nyrond or Urnst, and could trust each other enough to meet on neutral ground, Kinemeet was often the place chosen. Richfest was the time of meeting and the chieftains would present their finest cattle, oxen and stallions and compete for trophies. Being the judge at Kinemeet was a misfortune. Losers many times held grudges for a lifetime.

Now, Kinemeet is a garrison overlooking the western Tangles and providing patrols for the highways to Rook roost and Riftcrag. The garrison commander is an enor mous Celbit orog warrior known as "The Mammoth" to his troops on account of his prodigiously-sized tusks. Kinemeet is virtually an orcish city, and it has been thoroughly vandalized and pillaged. The ores are very warlike and maraud into the Tangles constantly.


There is a Town Square and an Arena.

You are the people who belong to none; you have no centralized leader, no broadly enforced legal structure. There are no city guards beholden to a monarch, and any courst system is ad hocand based on tradition, precedent, or a combination of volume and willpower. Any tax system is voluntary, any construction is done to fill an immediate need when it becomes acknowledged by enough people. Militaries are voluntary and most see self-defense and unified preservation as an ingrained and personal responsibility. Those who are incapable of fighting do not last long. Though these traditions may suggest instability and infighting, the core of your realm draws strength from this fierce independence.

The ruggedness of your people is more than fodder for boastful song. Only the strongest make it to adulthood and any leaders that stand out are those that have proven themselves most capable, certainly not by some secret ballot. While there may be many rival clanswith different subcultures and possibly different races, the guiding thread is that you self-govern, more or less as well as those centralized so-called civilized realmssurrounding you. Your ability to exist with enough cooperation and cohesion has forged a strong bond to the land that also manifests as increased stores of magical energy.

Kinemeet is in Anarchy.It people are considered Wild Folk (uncivilized)

[pKinemeet has the Features -- Anarchy Origin, Wanderlust


Level of Governement is 1

Race is Human

Population score is 30 (+10)

Economy score is 30 (+10)

Oder score is 30 (+10)

Magic score is 11

Culture score is 30 (+10)

Diplomacy score is 11


Stability dice is 2d8

Currently 7 stability points

Gold in treasury is 0(000)gp

Skills are Recruitment, Raiding

Currently there are 8 resources within 18 capacity

30 points to next experience level

Articles under Kinemeet


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