Kirilarien Allavesse

AC -11-3 (chain mail +3, Dex 17 with magical gauntlets, shield + 1 not often used MV 12; Pr81W8; hp 51; THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg ld6 +3 (footman’sflail +2 Str 11, Dex 16 (17), Con 16, Int 16, Wis 17 (18), Cha 11; SA 55% pick pockets, 42% open locks due to magical gauntlets; SD 90% resistance to sleep1charm spells, +2 Charisma to elves, + 2 to saving throws versus poison, automatic save versus spider venoms; AL NG.

Spells (priestess of Corellon Larethian): 5 lst, 5 Znd, 4 3rd, 2 4th (typically: bless, cure light wounds ( X 4 aid, holdperson ( X 2), silence 15’ radius ( X 2 cure disease, dispel magic, negative plane protection, prayer; cloak of bravev, cure serious wounds.

Spells (wizard): 4 (5) lst, 3 Znd, 3 3rd, 2 4th (typically: charm person, feather fall, magic missile (X3 detect invisibility ESP (in city) or stinking cloud (elsewhere), invisibility; fireball, fly, slow; confusion, minor globe of invulnerability.

Magical items: chain mail + 3, shield + 1, gauntlets of dexteriry, footman’s flail + 2, ring of tire resistance, pearl of wisdom, pearl ofpower (extra 1st level wizard spell per day), wand of fear (22 charges), bag of holding (250 lb. capacity), footman’s mace + 1, jar of Keoghtem’s ointment.


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