
Kisail, a small town of 2,000 folk, is located on the Velverdyva River, just upriver from the Dapple Wood. Kisail is most important as a transfer point for goods from Verbobonc, including metals from the Kron Hills. Goods and materials are shipped up the Velverdyva and sent on to Veluna City, Caronis or Littleberg.

The local ruler, Sir Cerell Goodheart, is a pretentious aesthete and an old rake and debauch, but the town does at least boast remarkable water gardens and canals built to his designs. Kisail is more relaxed and languid than Caronis, and in the well irrigated farmlands around the town, farmers grow unusual crops-squashes, melon-like fruits, and similar luxury produce.

Kisail is also home to a notable half-elven bard, Rafendyl, known as “Gildentongue” around the town. Rafendyl appears as self indulgent as everyone else here, but there is more to him than meets the eye (see “Characters and Forces”).


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