Knights of Furyondy

Knights of Furyondy: There are 125 surviving members of this branch of the order. Nearly 50 were slain in the war. This group is mostly concerned with protecting and defending Furyondy, but there are schisms. Some Knights argue that the southern shore of the Whyestil Lake is a much more defensible boundary than the current land border with Iuz and argue for an offensive to recapture lost land. Other Knights argue that annexing Dyvers and its lands, including Verbobonc would bring in more desperately needed revenue for the Kingdom. The Knights most certainly do not see eye to eye with Belvor on all matters of policy, and there is hostility on one particular count. The Knights of the Hart generally regard the Knights of Holy Shielding, the Shield Land émigrés, with contempt. They regard the stupidity of the Shield Land leaders during the war as culpable, and consider the Knights of Holy Shielding witless intruders. Some are incensed that Belvor made Count Artur Jakartai (a very powerful Knight of Holy Shielding) ruler of Crystalreach, and have expressed their discontent to Belvor in person and in the Knightly Conclave.

Because the Furyondy branch of the Knights of the Hart are powerful as landholders, maintainers of armies, and defenders of the land, Belvor takes great care to listen to their words. They wield considerable power and influence in the kingdom, despite always staying behind the scenes.


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