Larrat Helfdene Master Thief, Slum Quarter

Larrat is 38 years old, 5'11" tall, and 190 lbs. Larrat is generally clean-shaven with close-cropped silver hair, a pale compleXJon and dark brown eyes.

When Larrat lost a hand while on a mission for the Thieves' Guild, it seemed as if his useful life as a thief was at an end. Larrat 's thieving skills requiring actual manual dexterity are now considerably impaired although not nonexistent. Org Nenshen, however, had always had a soft spot for the amiable Larrat and was determined that Larrat's disability should not impair his usefulness to the guild. Org had Larrat enroll himself as a "sleeper" agent into the Beggars' Union in the Slum Quarter. While Larrat can draw upon the help of a number of thieves for guild activities in the quarter, he can also manipulate the beggars himself for guild purposes.

The Beggars' Union, through its own spies and agents, has discovered Larrat 's dual responsibilities. Rather than dispose of him, the union leaders have determined that it is better to leave him in place and carefully feed him misinformation to confuse the thieves' own intelligence-gathering operations.

Larrat leads a hand-to-mouth existence in the Slum Quarter, in keeping with his front as a beggar. Org has promised him that this is only a temporary appointment and he will be well rewarded by the guild for his endeavors in the future.

AC 5 (studded leather and Dex 16 MV 12; F5/T6; hp 46; THAC0 16/15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 (club) or 1d4 + 2 (sling +2 Str 15, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 17; SA triple damage from back stab; AL CG.

Thief skills: PP 35, OL 25, FT 30, MS 50, HS 40, DN 20, CW 30, RL 30.

Magical items: sling + 2, sling bullets +3 (10), and wand of secret door and trap location.


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