
Leraizen is a stone keep atop a dungeon complex. The catacombs are known to contain many restless undead, and even the bandits left it well alone after the reputed death of its long-time resident necromancer. So, when a 400-strong warband of orcs approached its outer stone walls in Fireseek, 585 CY, what they knew of the place led them to believe that occupying it would be a mere formality. Their priests could command undead, after all.

However, the keep proved to be occupied; a great stone slab rose into the air from within it, glided above the orcs, and rained burning oil and pitch down on their heads. Great gouts of acid spurted from the battlements atop the outer walls, and a murderous strike of chain lightning flew from atop the keep. The orcs hardly needed the fire elemental that gave chase to persuade them to flee.

Who now lives within Leraizen is unknown. Perhaps the necromancer has become a lich, or perhaps some powerful wizard fleeing another land has taken up residence in this welldefended, strong keep.Adventurers considering taking over its ownership for themselves will find extraordinary treasure there, together with powerful magic, stern defense, and many commanded undead and elementals. Greyhawk would certainly purchase the keep if it could be conquered and its dungeons cleared of monsters.


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