
The city of Littleberg is the capital of the barony. It is unwalled, though a stone wall is under construction to protect its 7,000 people. This is Jemian’s home and administrative center. Jemian's great walled mansion home includes barracks and stabling for his 250 elite heavy cavalry, and the warhorses bred here and in surrounding districts are the finest in all the Flanaess.

Littleberg’s atmosphere has changed little since the wars. This is a big, bustling trade town with many markets, bazaars, and taverns. It is a town where a large proportion of goods from the west are traded. Goods and traders from Ket and further west are sprinkled across the town, and there are small pockets of exiles from as far afield as Bissel, Nyrond, Almor, even the Bandit Kingdoms and the old Wild Coast cities. Some of the latter conceal their identities and their evil natures.

Littleberg has a medium sized Thieves’ Guild and strong merchant guilds that influence both Jemian and the minor nobles who administer the Barony’s lands further afield. These guilds play an unusually strong role here, assisting war widows and orphans and guild members who fall sick, helping to build temples and schools, even contributing to the cost of walling the town itself.


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