Locating the Cult

This will never be easy. Two of the priests remain always in their underground lair (location US). The main entrance to this lair is through a secret door, locked and trapped with a glyph of warding which will cause at least 18 points of cold damage plus paralysis (lasts 15 rounds or until dispelled). Within the lair, the DM should add trappings and furnishings for decoration, and many glyphs and other traps, to suit the strength of the adventuring party. These details have deliberately not been scripted to allow the DM this flexibility.

The leader of the Shriven Sickle will be a priest of at least 11th level. Again, this is variable to leave flexibility for the DM but in Chapter 7 this leader-Andrade Mirrius-is scripted as a special nemesis NPC, _detailed at three different levels of expenence (11, 14, and 18). His "official" role is as the proprietor of The Pit (location F8; also see Chapter 6 in this book). He is the one who, through agents and intermediaries, organizes much of the cult's work.


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