
Started with a Market.

The Yeomanry is one of very few representative governments in Flanaess. Any citizen of majority who has carried a spear for the nation, either now or in the past, is eligible to elect spokesmen on his behalf from his community. In turn these spokesmen elect representatives, until one reaches the approximately one-hundred-member Council of Common Grosspokesmen. The council meets in the capital of Loftwick four times a year during the festival weeks to decide the affairs of the nation.

These delegates act largely as a legislative body, and choose from among the greater landowners of the nation a citizen to act as Freeholder. The Freeholder is charged with being the chief administrator of the nation, and he also directs diplomacy and the heads the armies of the Yeomanry by leading the Free Captains of the Battles.

Yeomanry is considered a Republic. Its Ruler/Freeholder is considered a Champion of the People.

It is important to protect those weaker than ourselves. Doing so is its own reward.

Our people and government are slow to trust outsiders.

Yeomanry has the Feature Spellcasting, Skilled Ambassadors

You earn 1xp when you fail a Training Check


Level of Governement is 1

Race is Human

Population score is 30 (+10)

Economy score is 30 (+10)

Order score is 21 (+5)

Magic score is 13 (+1)

Culture score is 16 (+3)

Diplomacy score is 15 (+2)


Stability dice is 2d6

Currently 9 stability points

Gold in treasury is 23(000)gp

Skills are Training, Recruitment, Trade, Intelligence, Influence

Currently there are 6 resources within 8 capacity

30 points to next experience level


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