Luna Sharpclaw

Luna was an Annis Hag and a member of the Grey Coven. She had placed a curse on Joana Heliax and Brennan Woodheart and their family turning them into monsters.   One day, the children wandered too far and came upon an old crone who lived in a cave. Lady Luna Sharpclaw, she called herself, and she invited the hungry children in for a meal. Lady Sharpclaw was, of course, no lady, and soon the annis hag revealed herself, much to the children's dismay. Now captured, the hag began preparing her meal. When Elyanna and Orin did not come home that night, Joana and Brennan grabbed their gear and set out. Picking up the twins' fresh trail wasn't a challenge for Brennan, and by midnight, under a bright full moon they found the cavern. The two stealthily scouted the cavern and spied the hag in her lair, boiling vegetables in a large stew pot while the children were in cages nearby.   The battle was hard fought and brutal, but Joana and Brennan, fueled by the rage only a parent could understand, defeated the hag. With her dying breath the hag uttered a horrible curse.   "Talent stripped, beauty ripped, I curse you all with my foul grip. By dawn this day I take away all that made you love and play. Handsome human, lovely elf, you'll soon learn to loathe yourself. Foolish mortals break this curse and I will return to make things worse!"   As the hag exhaled her final breath, Joana and Brennan found the key to the cages, released their children, and collapsed, exhausted from the battle. They awoke from a fitful, nightmarish sleep to a new terror: two trolls towering over them!. And they had been turned into monsters themselves. Fortunately the Bigbootay brothers, with help from a silver dragon, broke the curse. And when Luna returned they slayed her before she could do anything else.


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