Mages and Sages

Furyondy has not, in the last century or so, been a nation rich in wizardry or sages. It didn't need to be. While Furyondy’s knowledge and magical strength was once renowned throughout the Flanaess, these fell into decline. Veluna's famous sages acted as a listening post for Furyondy, the King and other rulers maintaining a handful of their own experts to check the information passed on to them from Mitrik. Furyondian sages tended to become, increasingly, members of wealthy families who took up some arcane field of study for purely self-indulgent reasons.

Likewise, magecraft has slowly diminished in Furyondy. In an open, rolling, rich and fertile land, most life is earthy, the pulse of life linked to the seasons. Furyondy has fine fighting men, rangers, priests of simpler faiths, but has not, at least in recent times, been renowned for its wizards.

Since the wars, circumstances have changed somewhat. Magic is very powerful, particularly in rebuilding shattered cities and defenses. Spells as humble as Tenser’s floating disc, levitate and strength all have obvious roles in helping to speed up building work. At a more exalted level, the crucial role of the Elementalist Karzalin in the defense of Chendl impressed Belvor greatly, and the newly established Chamber of Four, which takes its name from the room where they meet, and the number of elements they command, is an influential advisory group for the king. Provincial rulers have influential wizards in their own courts, too. Elven fighter-mages from the Highfolk have also visited the northern provinces, looking for possible apprentices worthy of tutoring. Furyondian nobles have representatives in Dyvers, Verbobonc, Mitrik, Greyhawk City and further afield, recruiting suitable wizards for rebuilding work, while at home they seek children who may become promising apprentices. Once, a wealthy family in Furyondy would not wish a child to be trained in magic. This was somehow inferior to the pursuit of learning, art, culture or a priesthood. Not so today! Wizard characters in Furyondy will not want for patrons wishing to employ their talents.


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