Magic Mouth

Employing a standard magic mouth spell (as opposed to the permanent version) is mostly a cost-saving measure. Instead of getting the benefits of magic mouth that you don’t have to recast after every use, you get it at a great price. You could pay to have magic mouth cast dozens of times for what it would cost you for a single permanent magic mouth, and that kind of savings can add up.

A magic mouth makes a great audible alarm. The spell is programmable, meaning you can set it to go off whenever an intruder—as you happen to define the term—enters the area. Then it can yell bloody murder for the next 10 minutes, making sure the guards know that something’s going on.

Of course, once the magic mouth is tripped, it’s gone, which means you have to get a spellcaster back in there to recast the spell quickly unless you want to do without. Some rogues have caught on to this scheme. They make a point of disturbing a magic mouth alarm early in the night, then return later that same night, before a spellcaster can be brought in to get the magic mouths up and running again. The permanent version circumvents that tactic.

A permanent magic mouth can also be used to welcome your guests as they arrive through the stronghold’s front door or into any other part of the place. Extremely proud characters can use magic mouths as a kind of tour guide throughout their stronghold or hall of trophies as well. All the visitors have to do is reach out and touch a specially prepared plate, and an oratory about the room or exhibit begins. This spell is the kind of addition to a stronghold that speaks of the character’s wealth as much as it does of his accomplishments.

Casting: 70 gp (Wiz3) or 90 gp (Brd4 or Sor4)

Permanent: 5,500 gp (10th)


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