Major Priests of Greyhawk

Temples to evil deities are not tolerated in the Free City, and those who follow the path of darkness meet in secret and hidden places. While most non-evil deities known to Oerth have at least shrines in Greyhawk (the GoF book lists locations), it cannot be said that priests are a major force in the city, even though two are members of the Directing Oligarchy. There are particular reasons why this is so.

First, religious reverence is not strong in the Free City. A prayer or placation when some issue of personal importance arises is commonly practiced by the ordinary folk; worship and sincere belief is rare. The common people would not take well to a strong priestly presence in the halls of power, even though they are cynical enough about their rulers. Second, the powers that be certainly do their best to keep lawful and smart priests from infringing on their power. They fear a loss of Greyhawk's long-standing neutrality and liberality from this direction. Third, the priests themselves have various reasons for not aiming for political power.

For one thing, Greyhawk is a free and nonaligned city This helps guarantee its independence and stability. Neutrality and noncommitment are the order of the day. Any strong priestly skewing of this neutrality might attract the attentions of opposed forces, and many good priests argue that this would bode ill for the common folk and also for the value of Greyhawk in aiding Good elsewhere. Greyhawk's stability allows trade and aid to pass to the Iron League from its helpers; would it be good to see this ended? Of course not. Likewise, the northern forces of the Horned Society might strike at Greyhawk should it become too openly aligned with Good, and the consequent probable loss of life weighs heavily on the consciences of the more pacifistic good aligned priests.

Further , there are priestly rivalries. There is great enmity between the churches of Pholtus and Tnthereon, and much of the energies of the priests of Rao and Pelor are taken up preventing this coming to blows rather than exerting their influence on city politics. Again, many good-aligned priests are concerned with public works, or are away adventuring against the evils which beset the Flanaess elsewhere, and do not wish to be sidetracked into politics. Last but not least, while priests are wise they are not generally noted for intelligence and guile, and many have a simple aversion to the wheeling and dealing of politics.

Hence, few priestly leaders are of major importance in public affairs. However, certain leaders of Greyhawk churches have influence in the corridors or power, or are of unusual importance in the society of the Free City as a whole, and these are detailed below.

Deity Temple Head
Boccob Ravel Dasinder, male Pr17, N
Pelor Sarana of Pelor, female Pr14, NG
Rao Jerome Kazinskaia, male Pr19, LG (NG)
Trithereon Janziduur of Trithereon, female F7/Pr9, CG
Beory None fixed (rotation between various druids, levels 7-10)
Fharlanghn Adari Farwander, male gnome, sage and cartographer, N (priests wander)
Heironeous Jaikor Demien, male F5/Pr7, LG
Istus Mathilde Dessenter, female Pr12, N
Norebo Parlane Agutter, male Pr7, CN
Olidammara Shalm Furrikan, male Pr10 with abilities of 5th level bard, CN
Pholtus Arkandy Benris, male Pr8, LN (G)
Procan Arvanter Kuleris, male Pr4, CN (G)
Ralishaz Barris Bechetir, male Pr8, CN (E)
St. Cuthbert Eritai Kaan-lpzirel, female Pr11, LN
Ulaa Guldan RockOint. female Pr8, LG
Xerbo Talrand Quehris, male Prl2, N
Zilchus Stakaster Villaine. male Prl0, LN (N)


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