Map of Guidance

When created, this magic item is keyed specifically to a certain stronghold. As long as it hangs in that stronghold, it depicts the layout of that stronghold. The map can be as crude or ornate as the creator desires. The map will faithfully depict all areas and elements of the stronghold on the same plane as the map (even additions made after the map is created), though the creator can designate certain areas not to be shown on the map (such as secret vaults).

Whenever the user touches a room on the map, she instantly knows the shortest, most direct route to get from where she is to the location touched on the map. The creator can also choose for the map of guidance to instill knowledge of how to bypass any traps or dangerous locations (such as passwords or trap bypasses).

The map must be carved into stone, steel, or some other durable substance, and measures at least 4 feet ×3 feet.

Caster Level: 11th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, find the path; Market Price: 18,000 gp.


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