Map of Tactics

This table (at least 5 feet ×5 feet) features a topographical map of the stronghold and the outlying area to a distance of one mile from the strong hold. When a person touches the map, a glowing icon representing her appears at the appropriate location on the map (Will save DC 16 negates). The person can then leave the room and wander as she likes. As long as she stays within the region represented on the map of tactics, the map shows where she is. If she leaves the area and then returns, the map immediately picks up her presence again.

The map can track up to three people at a time for up to 9 hours each. The icon gives more than just location data on the tracked subjects. It also renders their status: unharmed, wounded, dying, disabled, unconscious, stunned, dead, and so on. Anyone within 5 feet of the map instantly understands how to read these icons properly.

If the maximum number of people are already being tracked, no additional people can be tracked until the time limit one or more of the current subjects expires or unless one of the current subjects returns to the map and touches it again.

Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, status; Market Price: 18,000 gp.


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