Map of the Stronghold of Greysmere

Greysmere is a very old dwarven stronghold, though not a very large one. Few adventurers make their way here, but most of the notable adventuring dwarves from the Domain of Greyhawk hail from Greysmere. The cold, clear lake named Greysmere harbors no monsters, and the surrounding hills are well patrolled. What makes Greysmere dwarves tough and keeps them so is simply traveling from their underground realm to the City of Greyhawk and going back again. Traders, mercenaries, and others who wish to sell wares or services first take the Dwarfwalk, a path running from Greysmere to Marsh Keep, then proceed to Peculiar Manor, and finally continue north to the city (a total journey, one way, of over 280 miles — on foot). As the Dwarfwalk lies so close to the Mistmarsh’s southern edge, the trip is considered dangerous and is undertaken as a heavily armed military expedition, weighing down travelers with armor and supplies or mule-drawn carts full of goods. Greysmere dwarves are good hunters and trappers as a result, and many adults make a trip to Greyhawk once or twice every decade.

References: City of Greyhawk: Gem of the Flanaess, pages 26-27; From the Ashes Campaign Book, pages 25-26; WGS Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure.

From Adventure Begins


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