Map of the Stronghold of Karakast

The dwarves of the hill-fortress of Karakast do not travel as far or as often as those from Greysmere, but they see a greater share of combat than their brethren. Several cavern complexes, some monster infested, are nearby, and humanoid raiders come down from the peaks of the Abbor-Alz every year or two. Worse, a military sweep of the eastern Duchy of Urnst in 590 CY drove some rag-tag bandits into the hills, and orcs from the hidden realms of Harrgrek Kukulend to the north might raid or scout nearby. The Abbor-Alz are known to harbor large flying beasts such as rocs, wyverns, griffons, and an occasional dragon, all of which prey on dwarves in the open. Some dwarves in turn go hunting in the mountains for the nests and eggs of their winged adversaries.

Like Greysmere, Karakast is linked with a cavern system, but the caverns under Karakast are said to be larger and to extend farther below ground. Exploration of these caves is slow and perilous, as skulks, xorn, oozes, undead, and other monstrosities are common. The dwarves rarely allow outsiders to enter the deep caves, but they might allow this in extraordinary circumstances. A great underground battle was fought beneath Karakast in times past, littering the caves with rubble and bones.

References: From the Ashes Campaign Book, pages 26-27.

From Adventure Begins


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