Map of the Town of Elmshire

Elmshire is not high on many adventurers’ lists of exciting destinations. A peaceful halfling town on the Nyr Dyv coast, Elmshire is the largest demihuman settlement in the Domain of Greyhawk, and it is considered very secure. However, the town has been raided by human bandits in the past, and monsters from the Nyr Dyv sometimes make their way into the shallow Midbay, threatening shipping.

The halflings here may know of previously undiscovered cairns and ruins to the south and east in the hills. The halflings say little, likely because they fear the damage and social upset caused by an influx of treasure-hunters more than they fear creatures lurking far below old ruins (which the halflings leave completely alone). Halfling fisherfolk, however, are happy to point out the location of shipwrecks in the Midbay region, some of which can be seen through the clear water. Most wrecks are small, but a notable one said to be a spell-powered craft sank in a storm 10 leagues north-northeast of Tenser’s Castle earlier this century.

References: City of Greyhawk: Gem of the Flanaess, page 21; From the Ashes Campaign Book, pages 22, 25.

From Adventure Begins


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