Marcan Tamlayne

Marcan Tamlayne (T3): Str 16, Dex 17, Int 14; N (NG). Marcan is a native of Dyvers who fled that city after being caught in the street dipping into a nobleman’s purse. The nobleman turned out to be an important Velunese lord, so Marcan is taking an extended holiday in Greyhawk. He will try to persuade any group he is associated with not to travel through Veluna or Dyvers as a result (“nah, let’s go ’cross the Nyr Dyv to Willip and head that way-Furyondy’s luwerly this time of year”). He feigns being a fighter, and he is fairly strong. The others know he’s a thief, and protect him from front-line fighting by stressing how good he is with a bow (“he can hit an apple at fifty paces. Just put one on yer head and he’ll show yer.”). Marcan has a secretly hoarded magical ring that can cast a hypnotism spell 2/day.-This enables him to get a little money and food around town, with bewildered vendors wondering how they got their change wrong after he’s gone. Marcan’s a decent, kindly man who really does care about his friends and their well-being. He would never steal a silver from the purse of a fellow adventurer. Finally, Marcan will always try to avoid going anywhere near Lord Blackfriar’s Manor (GoF, p.32). Why this is, the DM may decide for himself (stolen silver, a dalliance with the Lord’s younger daughter, and horse theft are the most likely options).


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