Maritai Jaruman Priest of Pelor

Maritai is 24 years old, 6'0" tall, with long blond hair and blue-green eyes. He is slightly built, weighing only 160 lbs., but is tough (high Constitution) and resilient. For his sewer jaunts, he wears stout waterproofed clothing of treated leather, and thick boots.

Maritai is young, and feels that the plight (as he sees it) of the stout servants of the city who serve in conditions of darkness and squalor deserves his attention. He travels in the sewers using his cure spells for any who need aid, and when he's not underground, he collects donations for the sewermen by aggressive street hustling, calling out and displaying a large box (for coins) which he thrusts at passers-by.

The sewermen like the money, and the free cure disease spells, but they regard Maritai as an interfering pest. Fortunately, with his magical light source he can be seen coming some distance off, but with his water walk he can reach a working group fast. Sometimes it is hard for the sewermen to get the zombies out of sight fast enough, but they have learned to bluff their way through. Maritai is wise but not too smart, and is thus rather gullible. His charitable and kindly nature makes him want to believe anything the sewermen tell him-he has an unrealistic, romantic idea of the nobility and public-spiritedness of their toil.

So far, the sewermen have managed to detour Maritai away from Samrad's cages, and somehow the wandering priest has not bumped into any of the evil NPCs who wander through the sewers. How long this state of affairs will last is very uncertain.

AC 4 (chain mail, Dex 15 MV 9; Pr5; hp 35; THACO 18; #AT 1 ; Dmg 1d6 +1 (footman's flail Str 12, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 5, Wis 17, Cha 10; AL CG.

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, and 2 3rd.

Spells usually memorized: cure light wounds ( x 4), light, find traps, slow poison ( x 2), speak with animals ( x 2), cure disease, water walk.

Magical items: Keoghtom 's ointment, and a stone with continual light cast on it that he wears on a leather thong around his neck.


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