Swiss, Landsknechte, and Turks will take no prisoners. Count prisoners as additional kills.

A guard of 1 man per 5 prisoners must be maintained at all times, or prisoners escape. Escaped prisoners may fight normally on the turn following escape.

Impetus Bonus: Heavy Foot, Armored Foot, and all Horse units receive Impetus Bonus when they charge into melee across smooth, level terrain, or down moderate slopes. Such troops add an extra die to their normal number shown on the Combat Tables.

Cavalry: When standing. Horse will defend normally but will return casualties at the next lower category, i.e.. Heavy become Medium, Medium become Light, and Light return casualties as if they were Armored Foot. This does not apply after the first round of a melee. Standing Horse are defined as: A) Cavalry not ordered to move on the turn it is attacked when simultaneous movement is used, and B) Cavalry not moved during the turn melee was originated, or not moved on the turn previous to melee and meleed before being able to move on the succeeding turn, when move/counter-move is being employed.

Hedgehog: Only Swiss and Landsknechte pikemen can form a hedgehog. If ten or more of these troops are in a square-type formation, pikes or pole arms facing outwards in all four directions, a "hedgehog" has been constituted. A hedgehog can be moved at one-half speed. It may never charge. A Hedgehog will never be drawn into neighboring melees. It may be attacked only by troops armed with like weapons (pikes or pole weapons).


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