Melf, Prince Brightflame

AG -3 (Dex 18, efven chain mail +4 MV 12; FlbIW12; hp 65; THACO 8; #AT 2; Dmg ld8 + 3 (long sword of sharpness +3 Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 15; AL NG (CG).

Spells: 4 each of levels 1-5, 1 6th (typically: charm person, detect magic, magic missile ( X 2 detect invisibility, ESe knock, Melfs acid arrow; dispel magic, fireball, fly Melfs minute meteors; Evards black tentacles, ice storm, polymorph self, Rary’s mnemonic enhancer; chaos, cone of cold, hold monster, teleport; flesh to stone).

Magical items: elven chain mail +4, long sword +3 of sharpness, ring of free action, ring of water walking, wand of enemy detection (44 charges), beads of force (7), carpet of flying (3 person capacity), amulet that can cast change self 2lday at 18th level ability.

Melf is 5’ 8”, 147 Ibs., and around 200 years old (appearing to be in his late 20’s in human terms). His appearance changes from time to time as the grey elf pleases, although he does not appear in nonelven form. Melf is one of Yolande’s cousins, and he is a major force in the innermost councils of the Knights of Luna. His membership of this group and his princely status are not generally known.

Melf is a vastly experienced and highly knowledgeable elf. In particular, he has made a study of Iuz and the fiends with which that demipower deals. Melf knows much of deep buried evils across the span of Oerik, knows where bound fiends are yet imprisoned, and where powerful evil artifacts are waiting to be unleashed upon the world. He strives constantly to prevent them from falling into the hands of Iuz or the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Melf knows many of the great and mighty in Oerik. He and Mordenkainen have a mutual respect for each other, though they do not cooperate. He is on familiar terms with Kieren Jalucian, Belvor of Furyondy, and the rulers of Dyvers, Highfolk, and Greyhawk itself. Most of these relationships are kept secret; Melf is a very secretive, protective character who does not yield information readily. He is, however, charming and urbane. He enjoys good food, culture, and agreeable persons of the opposite gender.

Some of the more radical members of the Knights of Luna seek to depose Yolande and proclaim Melf King, a prospect that deeply alarms Melf. For himself, he strongly prefers mediation, diplomacy, and open channels of communication. In a sense, he is almost naive, believing that if enough good rulers were collected together, sense would prevail and unity would be established. He is sensible enough to know this would take decades, and as an elf, he is not impatient.

In game play, Melf will not deal with PCs unless he comes to know them well. He is most unlikely to reveal anything of his political activities unless he greatly befriends a PC elf. His activities in the Free City involve recruitment for forays to retrieve and destroy evil artifacts, to collect funds for the Knights of the Hart, and to spy on the Scarlet Brotherhood agents, especially if he thinks they may have uncovered information concerning fiends or evil magical items.

Given that Melf is friendly with the Fellowship of the Torch, if a PC group is high level but small in number, they could come to ally with this NPC grouping for the purposes of adventuring.


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