Most mercantile houses are nonnoble families; although a select few noble bloodlines have taken up an interest in trade, such activities are usually considered vulgar and cause other nobles to look down upon those individuals. Mercantile houses normally have substantial interest in one or two areas of trade, owning many business, warehouses, and caravans. A few have broader reach, influencing the markets of an entire city or region. They often use their influence to guide the actions of local governments, threatening to withhold resources or granting discounts to certain nobles in exchange for favorable treatment. Some mercantile houses own entire towns or hire soldiers to patrol their trade routes. (Whether these are true patrols designed to keep the road safe or paid brigands intended to harass the house’s competitors depends on the house.)

Associated Classes: Aristocrat, bard, expert, rogue. Associated Skills: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Profession.

Supplies Available: Merchant houses can normally provide mundane traveling necessities, mounts, vehicles, and petty cash. A mercantile house known for a particular product might be able to provide that as well.

Sample Contact: Halliman Hillback of House Ironthrone (expert 4/rogue 1). Halliman will aid a PC in haggling for a good deal on a particular transaction (+2 bonus on the PC’s Diplomacy check). Once every two weeks.


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