Mercantile guilds are the most common form of guild in most fantasy cities. Each is typically devoted to a single craft or profession, or at most a small group of closely related trades. A mercantile guild provides its members a place to meet and discuss business with fellow tradesfolk, protection from fraud and theft, and in the case of more powerful guilds, safety from criminal guilds or excessive taxation by the government. The richest guilds might even offer loans for a member to start up or expand a business.

A few larger mercantile guilds oversee not a specific craft, but an entire market. These guilds accept all artisans and tradesfolk as members, and they have an enormous amount of political clout. On the other hand, they often require merchants to join before allowing them to set up shop in “their” city, and can often force independents out by undercutting prices, intercepting shipments, and the like.

Examples: Carpenters guild, smiths guild, the Dragonport Merchants’ Consortium.

Associated Classes: Expert, rogue. Associated Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft (any one), Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), Profession (any one), Speak Language.

Duties: In addition to monthly dues, a member must pay a 15% monthly tax on all profits acquired from guild-affiliated businesses.

Favored Benefits: Membership in the guild is a sign of quality merchandise. Members can charge an average of 5% more than the standard market value on their goods and services in any city where the organization maintains a guildhouse.

Sample Contact: Tholo Olivander (halfl ing expert 4). Tholo will identify the source of any item—region, culture, perhaps even its creator if it’s distinctive enough. Once per week.


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