Midbay and the Nyr Dyv

The blue expanse of the Nyr Dyv is the largest known fresh-water lake upon Oerik. Midbay, where the waters of that lake gather to form the Selintan River, is one of its most placid regions.

The Nyr Dyv has three major inlets (the Artonsamay, Veng, and Velverdyva Rivers), and an outlet greater than the Selintan in the Nesser River. All of these are even more navigable than the Selintan, and thus the lake has become a major center of commerce in the known world. Monsters of a variety of horrid types are known to dwell in the Nyr Dyv's darkest reaches (its name means "Lake of Unknown Depths"). Fortunately, the shallow waters of the Midbay seem to prevent these creatures from intruding there.

Naval fleets from several bordering na tions patrol the waters of the lake, protecting commerce against piracy or, more often, seeking and slaying the troublesome sea serpents wherever they can be found. If a party ventures onto the deeper waters of the lake, there is a 5% chance per day of a molestation by one of these unsavory beasts. Should this occur. roll ld6 to see what pops up:

Nyr Dyv Random Encounter Table
D6 Roll Encounter
1 1 Dragon turtle
2 2d6 Giant gar
3 1d4 Giant lampreys
4 1d4 Giant snapping turtles
5 3d4 Sea lions
6 Horrific beast from the outer limits of the DM 's imagination (or roll again)


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