
Military: Belvor has two trusted war veterans, Generals Gallantren and Bemedior, stationed within his own palace. A young and upcoming man, General Yemanien, completes the triumvirate. His role is as a logistics expert, and he and his small staff set about the task of collecting information on supplies, predictions for the harvest, computing army strengths and rounding up reserve militias with real vigor. Belvor has wisely mixed in young blood with his veterans. All are technically subservient to Jemian, the Grand Marshal of all Furyondy’s armies, but Jemian spends less than half of his time in Chendl and it is easy enough for Belvor and his generals to conceal information from him if they deem this appropriate. The generals have day-to-day command of all forces in the capital, from the Kings Household Regiment to seconded Furyondian troops from elsewhere, Velunese troops and mercenaries are controlled through a relatively long chain of command which would be a weakness if swift response were required.


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