Minor Crimes

Minor crimes are tried by magistrates, who are members of the Guild of Lawyers and Scribes, each case being heard by only one. Appeal against sentence is very rare, and may be made only on the order of the Lord Mayor (Nerol himself, and he rarely intervenes in such matters. The punishments for these offenses are typically hard labor for from 14 days to up to 2 years, and/or fines which typically extract 1%-20% of a person's monies, up to a maximum fine of 1,000 gp. Frequently, the severity of the punishment depends as much on the magistrate one gets (from the "bleeding heart social reformist" magistrate to the "hanging's too good for 'em" variety who wears a black cap at all times), so the DM is allowed free rein in determining punishments for offenders. The most notable minor crimes are these:

Assault, minor
Blasphemy against a priest
Blasphemy against a temple (usually this means defilement or destruction)
Dangerous conveyance of a vehicle in a public place
Dangerous navigation within the harbor (includes non-authorized landing,etc.)
Disturbance of the peace (excessive noise, etc.)
Drunkenness and disorderly conduct
Offenses against public propriety
Producing, brandishing, or holding with intent an unlicensed weapon
Receiving, possessing, or fencing stolen property
Slander or libel (this is sedition if against a city authority)
Slavery and procuration of slaves
Tax evasion (50 gp or less)
Trespass and violation of privacy
Unlawful hindrance of business
Use of magic in a public place without due cause

Again, the DM should apply similar logic to attempted crimes and conspiracies to that noted above.


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