MISSILE FIRE excluding gunpowder and catapults

Rate of Fire: Crossbowmen, Archers, and Longbowmen may fire every turn. If Archers or Longbowmen do not move and are not meleed at the end of a turn they may fire twice. If Crossbowmen, Archers and Longbowmen are moved up to one-half of their normal movement (excluding charging) they may fire once; and if they are moved over one-half of their normal movement they may fire once only if theybeat their opponent's die roll. Heavy Crossbowmen fire every other turn. They may move up to one-half of their normal movement (excluding charging) and still reload or fire, but if they are moved over one-half of their normal movement (excluding charging) they must beat their opponent's die roll to fire, and no reloading is allowed. They add 1 to Missile Fire die rolls.

Split-move and Fire: Horsemen armed with bows are permitted to perform this type of movement. To accomplish a split move and fire, the horse archers move up to one-half of their normal movement, immediately conduct missile fire procedure, and continue to move out the balance of their normal movement, not to exceed one-half of their normal movement. The horse archers may be fired upon by opponent missile troops during their firing pause.

Pass-through Fire: Stationary missile troops may elect to give pass-through fire to any enemy units which are within their missile range at the half-move portion of the turn. This would include any enemy troops split-moving, passing by, or charging the missile troops.

Arc of Fire: Footmen - 45 deg. left or right

Horsemen - 180 deg. left, 45 deg. right

Number of Ranks Permitted to Fire: Two ranks of missile troops are permitted to fire provided the first rank are missile troops. Additional ranks of missile troops on significantly higher ground are permitted to fire as if they composed the second rank. Note that missile range is measured from the first rank.

Indirect Fire: Archers and Longbowmen, but not Crossbowmen of any type, may fire over the heads of intervening troops, friendly or enemy, providing they are more than 3" distant. Indirect fire reduces the range of the weapon firing by one-third. Indirect fire automatically classifies the target in the next higher armor category, i.e.. Unarmored targets become equal to 1/2 Armor or Shield, and Fully Armored targets become "arrow proof."

Cover: Soft cover such as brush, woods, waist-high fences, and walls will reduce missile casualties by one-half (drop all fractions). Woods and overhead cover, such as roofs, prevent all indirect fire. If indirect fire is possible, then casualties will not be reduced by cover. Movable mantlets and walls with arrow slits make targets behind them, including missile troops firing thru such slits, "arrow proof" unless indirect fire is possible.

Throwing Axes and Spears and Javelins: These missile weapons are treated as any other missile weapons except: They may fire only once per turn, they may always fire at enemy troops charging them, and they may not fire indirectly.


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