Monsters in the Sewers

The Undercity Random Encounter Table (Ch13 GoF) lists several types of unsavory creatures likely to be found in the depths. Certain of these need a bit of explanation. Rats in lhe sewers are treated as giant rats, but are big and vicious, with a minimum of 3hp. Otyughs, neo-otyughs and black puddings usually have escaped from wealthy owners who keep them for refuse disposal, although some are deliberately "liberated" (see below). Giant crocodiles derive from the time when possessing a baby crocodile was a big fad in Greyhawk, but when they grew too large certain foolish owners dumped them down drain holes. They feed on rats and ordure and can be a serious hazard.

However, an enterprising mage who has befriended Imre Petrosian has been able to protect the sewermen while lining his own pockets at the same time. His profile is followed by notes on his operation.


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