A mystical house is known for the power of its magic. In many instances, this is literally in the family’s blood; many of its members are born sorcerers (or warlocks, if that class is used). In other cases, the house might simply study wizardry or other magical arts on a regular basis. Mystical houses often hold great power in a city, particularly in areas well known for monsters or strange beings. At the same time, other nobles distrust mystical houses, never certain from where they gain their powers, or with whom their true allegiance lies. Some mystical houses feature psionic powers rather than magic, at the DM’s discretion.

Associated Classes: Adept, aristocrat, psion (Expanded Psionics Handbook),sorcerer, spellthief (Complete Adventurer), warlock (Complete Arcane), wilder (Expanded Psionics Handbook), wizard.

Associated Skills: Craft, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Knowledge (psionics), Spellcraft.

Supplies Available: A mystical house can provide expensive spell components, or various magic items such as potions, scrolls, wands, and minor wondrous items. Additionally, it can contribute to the cost of creating a magic item (the exact amount depends on the circumstances).

Sample Contact: Salassra the Green, of House Arbathyre (wizard 5). Salassra will cast any single spell of 3rd level or lower necessary for the creation of a magic item. Once every three months.


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