Naas Sarainy Siobharek Spy

Naas is a rarity, a half-.elven spy for the Scarlet Brotherhood. He is 5'5" tall, 103 lbs., with blond hair and deep blue eyes, and dresses inconspicuously-as a student, since this is his cover. Naas is taking a course in Human Politics and Genealogy at the Colleges, and claims that he hails from Veluna (since he knows Veluna well, this pretense is easily kept). Naas is 77 years old, but looks to be in his late 20s in human terms. His surname is pronounced shuh-var-ek.

Naas is not a high-level thief, but he is extremely smart, and a trusted spy for the Scarlet Brotherhood. He steals documents from guilds pertaining to all manner of business activity, and also official documents pertaining to trade and mercenaries, although he prefers to copy these if he can. He has a magical scroll which can duplicate nonmagical writing simply by being placed against the written item, up to some 10,000 words at a time, and can copy from this later at his leisure , the magical scroll returning to blankness with a suitable command word.

Exactly what the Scarlet Brotherhood is up to here is for the DM to determine according to the needs of a wider campaign, but Naas is smart, wily, and a loner. His activities might usefully be used to implicate a PC or two in illegal acts, for Naas is cunning enough to try to frame any convenient patsy if he can.

AC 1 (bracers of defense AC 5 and Dex 18 MV 12; T4; hp 17; THAC0 19/17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +land special (dagger of venom Str 9, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 14; SA triple damage on backstab, poison; SD 30% sleep/charm resistant; AL LE.

Thieving skills: PP 45, OL 50, FT 40, MS 50, HS 60, ON 50, CW 95, RL 35.

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 5, dagger of venom, boots of elvenkind, doak of elven.kind, ring of invisibility, slippers of spider climbing, potion of flying, and a special scroll (see below).


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