
Although the name is elven, this complex of warrens and a few stone cottages in a fertile leafy valley is unquestionably gnomish. Namburil is home to 100 gnomes, with three times this number working in small mines within 10 miles or so of the main warrens. Farming, mining, and craftsmanship are how the gnomes make their living here. One notable feature of Namburil is the extraordinary resistance of crops and plants in the area to disease-no blights, rots, rusts, or similar pestilences affect plants within a radius of two miles of Namburil. Druidic communing with nature does not reveal why this is so.

The druids themselves are torn between a desire to find out why the earth seems so healthy, and a feeling that such wellbeing should be left alone. Druidic concern with balance, however, suggests that another place may be suffering for this seemingly magical fecundity, or that some darker shadow may hang over Namburil, waiting to be manifested in some other way. Perhaps the druids fuss needlessly, or perhaps they are right; the gnomes don't know, and don't worry about it. They do, however, politely exclude any outsiders from settling in the area, for fear it will become overcrowded and overexploited.

Farmland plots and warren homes are handed down from generation to generation, often matrilineally, and while the gnomes are friendly, they are wary of outsiders who might want to take their land.


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