Narisan Kerreth, Nyrondian Spokesman

AC 9 (Dex 15 MV 12; hp 9; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg ld4 (dagger Str 17, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 17; AL NG.

Narisan is 26 years old, 6‘ l”, and 184 Ibs., with light brown wavy hair and brown-flecked hazel eyes. He is an ordinary working man who was elected at a public meeting to speak for common Nyrondese exiles in the Free City. He argues their case for fair wages, fair and habitable accommodation, against nationalistic attacks and assaults, and suchlike.

His Charisma makes him a good speaker and the City watch and even the Directors listen to him. The three useless, mangled fingers of his right hand, the result of being crushed against a wall by a club used by a Rhennee thug, are an effective symbol of the problems ordinary Nyrondese face at times. He tries hard to stay cool, to calm strong passions, and to temper the need for plain speaking with tact and diplomacy.

Narisan works hard to develop good relationships with representatives of Greyhawk‘s Unions and Guilds, who are often bitter that Nyrondese folk take their members’ jobs and work for very low wages. Narisan is aware that this isn’t in anyone’s interests and he pleads with his own people against this, but starving exiles with families are driven to toil long and hard for little, if that little will keep them alive.

Narisan lives in a small room at the Silver Dragon Inn in the Foreign Quarter, and since he gets only a little work as a laborer himself, one might wonder how he can afford this. The answer is that his brother Clymad pays the tab; Clymad is a 6th-level CG ranger who rarely visits the Free City from his own base in the Gamboge Forest, but when he does, he is eager to hear whether Narisan has managed to find recruits to help the Nyrondese folk there. Escorts for trade routes, guerrilla fighters in the Flinty Hills, and general bodyguard work are all on offer. Clymad can pay very little, so he relies on good nature and his brother’s Charisma to help.

Thus, Narisan’s public-spiritedness helps support the Nyrondese in Greyhawk, but he’s always watching for good folk who might help his beloved country. He looks for any who help Nyrondese assaulted in the Free City, who argue their case with angry Greyhawkers, or who otherwise show concern and might be persuaded to help more directly.


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