Nastassia Aiareni Nightstar Fighter/Mage

Nastassia is 25 years old, 5'5" tall, 100 lbs., with blonde hair and startling violet blue eyes. She is, simply, stunning in appearance, despite her modest and simple raiments. She is not a half-elf, but there must be elven blood in her; her ears have very slightly pointed upper surfaces, and the shape and color of her eyes are virtually unknown among humans. She is a native Greyhawker, and is demure and kindly, slightly otherworldly and mystical at times.

Nastassia has always deeply revered Rao, but was struck by a paradox she has felt deeply for many years. While priests revere Rao most deeply, and wisdom is the ability which gives priests their understanding of their faith, it is Nastassia 's intelligence which she feels most links her to this deity. Conversely, in her readings and study Nastassia felt strangely drawn to Wee Jas, patron of many magicians, through the apprehension of her wisdom-even though intelligence is the dominant mental aspect for wizardry. Dedicated to Rao, she nonetheless reveres Wee Jas, and she has received no sign that either deity is displeased with this state of affairs.

AC 2 (bracers of defense AC 5, cloak of protection +2, and Dex 15 MV 12; F4/ M4; hp 34; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 + 1 (longsword + 1 Str 13, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 18; AL LG.

Spells: 3 1st and 2 2nd.

Spells typically memorized in town: detect magic, light, sleep, know alignment, locate object.

Spells typically memorized when adventuring: read magic, sleep, unseen servant, detect invisibility, stinking cloud.

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 5, cloak of protection + 2, longsword + 1, potion of extra-healing, scroll of protection from paralyzation.


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