Nirifel Meldarin, Travelling Bard

AC 2 (elven chain, Dex 17 MV 9; B10; hp 39; THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg ld6+2 (short swordofquickness Str 12, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16; SA heroic inspiration; SD -3 to reactions; AL N (NG).

Thief skills: CW 70, DN 80, PP 25, RL 95. Spells (wizard): 3 lst, 3 Znd, 2 3rd, 14th (typically: charm person, detect magic, sleep; blur, hypnotic pattern, improved phantasmal force; invisibility lo‘radius, protection from evil 10‘ radius; dimension door).

Magical items: ring of protection + 1, short sword of quickness, elven cloak, ring of chame- leon power.

Nirifel is a young half-elf, only 37 years old (looking to be in her late teens in human terms). She is 5’ 6” tall, weighs 132 Ibs., and has coppery red hair and light brown eyes. Hailing from the Gnarley Forest, as a child of Clan Meldarin, she came to spend time around Gnarley rangers. She lived for three years at Corustaith, where bard friends of the rangers saw her potential talent early.

She lives half of her life in the Gnarley now, but she is always curious to travel abroad. She’s seen Veluna, Furyondy, Nyrond, Urnst, Ulek and Celene, and she’s currently itching to set off for Ket and beyond-or is it the lands of the far- distant Barbarians whose skalds she has heard of? She’s currently a little low on resources, though, so she’ll sing for her supper a few more times before she sets off. Nirifel is quite naive and has a reputation for being fey, but she is a good and capable planner.

Nirifel has inexhaustible good spirits. She’s always able to find something good in everything (regardless how severe adversity seems): an unexpected finding of a new friend, or surprising resourcefulness in one she already knows. She’s quite steely and determined under pressure; “that‘s the human in her,” a ranger would say (but he’s likely to be biased). The elf in her is more to the fore when she travels deep within the Gnarley, visiting swanmays, dryads, or faerie folk, hoping for a new tale or song they might have for her.

Nirifel is young and freewheeling, but nobody’s fool. She wants fair payment for her skills if she goes adventuring, or a clean room and good food if she sings to entertain. She carries her own lute, but she can pick a good tune on almost anything, and has a fine singing voice in addition. She pre- fers the company of elves, half-elves, or gnomes, but her prejudices against dwarves were dealt a blow by her visit to Dumadan. There, she heard a recitation of The Forge of Worlds by a dwarven choir, which left her shaking for hours. One day, she wishes to return there, hoping to be allowed to listen and learn for much longer than she was allowed on her first visit.

As an adventurer, Nirifel is a classic jack-of-all- trades, singing for supper, charming the odd vendor or supplier of equipment, scrounging what she needs when she can, preferring talk to combat. She wanders widely in Greyhawk’s lands (though not in the Wild Coast), and might be encountered almost anywhere.


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