NPCs in the Green Dragon

Again, almost any low-lifer can be found here, and Imogen Gellett (see Chapter 5) is a standard fixture at night, often with Tamek McGloogan (see Chapter 5) hovering about. An NPC adventurer foreign to Greyhawk can be met here if you wish to set up adventures outside the city-even, perhaps, one of the entourage of Lady Valderesse Sharn (see Chapter 7), showing how desperate the Shield Landers are for help by virtues of her coming to such a disreputable place.

A player character thief can find an NPC thief to introduce him to the Thieves' Guild here. Rivermen can be found to smuggle PCs or their goods in or out of the city. A vendetta with an offended Rhennee noble can be forced on the PCs after one of his "wives" takes an obvious fancy to a charismatic male PC (this is an especially mean trick to play on a male PC paladin if he should venture here), And so on; encounters here have not been scripted because of the great range of possibilities, but these suggestions should help any DM to make this a place which will never bore any PC who sets foot in it. Similar encounters can be created at other establishments of similar nature throughout the Old City.


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